求助代碼問題。 [MC]
inputs: DataSeries1( Close of data1 ), DataSeries2( Close of data2 );
? var1=-150;
? ?sell1=var1+X;
? sell2=var1+2*X;
? ? sell3=var1+3*X;
? ? ? sell4=var1+4*X;
? ? ? ? sell5=var1+5*X;
? ? ? ? sell6=var1+6*X;
? buy2=var1-2*X;
? buy3=var1-3*X;
? buy4=var1-4*X;
? buy5=var1-5*X;
? ? buy6=var1-6*X;
condition1=Close1 cross over ?sell1;
condition2=Close1 cross over sell2;
condition3=Close1 cross over sell3;
condition4=Close1 cross over ?sell4;
condition5=Close1 cross over ?sell5;
{condition11=Close1 < 200;
condition21=Close1 < ?250;
condition31=Close1 < 300;
condition41=Close1 < ?350;
condition51=Close1 < ? 400;}
condition6=Close1 cross under buy1;
condition7=Close1 cross under buy2;
condition8=Close1 cross under buy3;
condition9=Close1 cross under buy4;
condition10=Close1 cross under buy5;
{condition61=Close1 > buy1;
condition71=Close1 > buy2;
condition81=Close1 >buy3;
condition91=Close1 > buy4;
condition11=Close1 > buy5;}
if ?condition1 then sellshort("s1") 1 contracts next bar at market;
if condition2 then sellshort("s2") 1 contracts next bar at market;
if ?condition3 ?then sellshort("s3") 1 contracts next bar at market;
if ?condition4 ?then sellshort("s4") 3 contracts next bar at market;
if ?condition5 ?then sellshort ("s5")6 contracts next bar at market;
//if marketposition=1 and condition6 and currentcontracts=12 then sellshort 12 contracts next bar at market;
if Close1[1] > sell4 ?and Close1 <= sell4 and marketposition=-1 then buytocover from entry("s5") next bar at market;
if ?Close1[1] > sell3 ?and Close1 <= sell3 and marketposition=-1 ?then buytocover from entry("s4") ?next bar at market;
if Close1[1] > sell2 ?and Close1<=sell2 and marketposition=-1 ?then buytocover from entry("s3") ?next bar at market;
if Close1[1] > sell1 and Close1 <= sell1 and marketposition=-1 then buytocover ?from entry("s2") ? next bar at market;
if Close1[1] > var1 and ?close1 <= var1 ?and marketposition=-1 ? then buytocover from entry("s1") next bar at market;
if close1<150 ? then buytocover next bar at market;
if ?condition6 ?then buy("b1") 1 contracts next bar at market;
if condition7 then buy("b2") 1 contracts next bar at market;
if ?condition8 ?then buy("b3") 1 contracts next bar at market;
if ?condition9 ?then buy("b4") 3 contracts next bar at market;
if ?condition10 ?then buy ("b5")6 contracts next bar at market;
//if marketposition=1 and condition6 and currentcontracts=12 then sellshort 12 contracts next bar at market;
if ?Close1[1] < buy4 and ?Close1 >= buy4 and marketposition=1 then buytocover from entry("b5") ?next bar at market;
if ?Close1[1] < buy3 and ?Close1 >= buy3 and marketposition=1 ?then buytocover from entry("b4") ? next bar at market;
if ?Close1[1] < buy2 and ?Close1 >= buy2 and marketposition=1 ?then buytocover from entry("b3") ?next bar at market;
if ?Close1[1] < buy1 and ?Close1 >= buy1 and marketposition=1 then buytocover ?from entry("b2") ? next bar at market;
if ? Close1[1] < var1 and ?Close1 >= var1 ?and marketposition=1 ? then buytocover from entry("b1") next bar at market;
if close1>150 ? then sell next bar at market;
可聯系技術人員 QQ: 511411198 進行 有償 編寫!(不貴!點擊查看價格!)