指標改寫問題 [文華財經]
- 咨詢內容:
ma20:=ma(close,20); ma120:=ma(close,120); ma30:=ma(close,37); map:=ma(close,8); aa5:=ma(close,21); aa10:ma(close,8),color0000ff; aa12:ma(close,12),color0000ff; bb10:=((atan((aa10 - ref(aa10,1))) * 3.1416) * 10); bb12:=((atan((aa12 - ref(aa12,1))) * 3.1416) * 10); ma13:=ma(close,13); var1q:=((((open + low) + high) + close) / 4); 中期大底:llv(low,30),colorcdffbb; 短底:=ema(var1q,5); 支撐:=hhv(短底,60); 壓力一:hhv(low,20),colorfaabec; 壓力:=sma(low,5,1); 中線:=ma(close,3); drawtext(filter(((((high 》 支撐) and (close 《 支撐)) and ((close / open) 》 (0 - 1.06))) and (close 《 open)),5),(high + 0.02),‘←逃’),color00ffff; 中軌道:=(ma(high,15) * 1.05); 天:=(ma(low,15) * 0.985); 人:=(ma(low,15) * 0.96); 地:=(((high + low) + close) / 3); b1:=hhv(地,(4 * 15)); b6:=llv(地,(4 * 15)); b7:=(b1 - b6); b8:=(ma(((地 - b6) / b7),2) * 80); var1:=(((close - llv(low,100)) / (hhv(high,100) - llv(low,100))) * 200); 飛龍頂底線:=sma(var1,3,1); var2:=sma(飛龍頂底線,3,1); var3:=((3 * 飛龍頂底線) - (2 * var2)); var4:=llv(low,5); var5:=hhv(high,5); var6:=(ema((((close - var4) / (var5 - var4)) * 100),4) * 2); var7:=ema(((0.667 * ref(var6,1)) + (0.333 * var6)),2); var8:=((3 * var6) - (2 * var7)); var9:=(pow(ma(close,5),2) + ma(close,5)); vara:=(pow(ma(low,5),2) + ma(low,5)); varb:=(pow(ma(high,5),2) + ma(high,5)); varc:=(((((var9 - llv(vara,64)) / (hhv(varb,64) - llv(vara,64))) * 150) + 65) - 10); vard:=((sma(varc,3,1) * 1.5) - 100); vare:=sma(vard,3,1); varf:=((3 * vard) - (2 * vare)); var10:=(((high + low) + (close * 2)) / 4); var11:=ema(var10,13); var12:=std(var10,13); var13:=(((var10 - var11) * 100) / var12); var14:=ema(var13,5); var15:=ema(var14,13); var16:=((ema(var14,13) + 200) - 100); var17:=ema(var16,10); var18:=((3 * var16) - (2 * var17)); var19:=(((飛龍頂底線 + var6) + vard) + var16); var1a:=(((var2 + var7) + vare) + var17); var1b:=(((var3 + var8) + varf) + var18); var1c:=(((high + low) + close) / 3); var1d:=((amount / vol) / 100); var1e:=((sum(amount,5) / sum(vol,5)) / 100); var1f:=((var1c - ma(var1c,34)) / (0.015 * avedev(var1c,34))); var20:=dma(((amount / vol) / 100),(vol / capital)); var21:=((((high + low) + close) + var1c) / 4); var22:=ema(var21,24); var23:=std(var21,24); var24:=(((var21 - var22) / var23) * 100); var25:=((var1c - ma(var1c,24)) / (0.015 * avedev(var1c,24))); var26:=ema(var24,5); var27:=((var1d - ma(var1d,21)) / (0.015 * avedev(var1d,21))); var28:=((var1e - ma(var1e,90)) / (0.015 * avedev(var1e,90))); var29:=(((((((var28 + var27) + var26) + var25) + var1f) / 5) + 165) / 4); var2a:=(((((var19 + var1a) + (var1b * 30)) / 32) / 5) - 15); var2b:=(((var29 + var2a) / 2) / 1.1); var2c:=var2b; 短線:=ma(var2c,26); mid:=(短線 + (2 * std(var2c,26))); upper:=(短線 - (2 * std(var2c,26))); lower:=if((var2c 》 短線),短線,var2c); xy:=ma(close,5); ma5:=ma(close,80); 短期底部:(llv(high,30) * 0.93),color0000ff; ma80:=llv(high,30); 短期底部二:=sma(close,2,1); 趨勢:=(ma(low,10) * 0.96); 趨:=(ema(open,107) * 0.897); 超跌位二:=ma(close,15); gf:=ma(close,10); man:=(sma(high,21,2) * 1.05); 上一:=(hhv(短底,60) * 0.92); 壓力二:=(sma(high,21,2) * 1.035); 阻擋線:=(sma(low,21,2) * 0.96); 下檔線:=(((close - llv(low,13)) / (hhv(high,13) - llv(low,13))) * 100); rsv:=sma(下檔線,3,1); k:=sma(rsv,3,1); d:=((3 * rsv) - (2 * k)); j:=(((close - ma(close,6)) / ma(close,6)) * 100); var2p:=(((close - ma(close,12)) / ma(close,12)) * 100); var3p:=(((close - ma(close,24)) / ma(close,24)) * 100); var4p:=(((j + (2 * var2p)) + (3 * var3p)) / 6); var5p:=ma(var4p,3); var6p:=(((close - llv(low,34)) / (hhv(high,34) - llv(low,34))) * 100); rsv12:=sma(var6p,3,1); k12:=sma(rsv12,3,1); d12:=((3 * rsv12) - (2 * k12)); j12:=(((close - llv(low,55)) / (hhv(high,55) - llv(low,55))) * 100); rsv24:=sma(j12,3,1); k24:=sma(rsv24,3,1); d24:=((3 * rsv24) - (2 * k24)); {j24:=if(cross(d,d24),low,ref(low,barslast(cross(d,d24))));} 壓力位:if(cross(d24,d),high,l),pointdot,colorffffff; 支撐位:=if((close 》= ma(close,20)),80,50); u2l:=if((close 》= ma(close,20)),50,20); {l2l:=if(((d 《 支撐位) and (ref(d,1) 》= 支撐位)),hhv(ref(high,1),(barslast(((d 》= 支撐位) and (ref(d,1) 《 支撐位))) - 1)),ref(hhv(ref(high,1),(barslast(((d 》= 支撐位) and (ref(d,1) 《 支撐位))) - 1)),barslast(((d 《 支撐位) and ref(d,1))))); rh1:=if((high 》 l2l),low,ref(low,barslast((high 》 l2l)))); rh4:=if((high 》 l2l),d,ref(d,barslast((high 》 l2l)))); rh42:=if((((high 》 rh1) and (d 《 rh4)) and (d 《 d24)),high,ref(high,barslast((((high 》 rh1) and (d 《 rh4)) and (d 《 d24))))); rh5:=if(((d 》 u2l) and (ref(d,1) 《= u2l)),llv(ref(low,1),(barslast(((d 《= u2l) and (ref(d,1) 》 u2l))) - 1)),ref(llv(ref(low,1),(barslast(((d 《= u2l) and (ref(d,1) 》 u2l))) - 1)),barslast(((d 》 u2l) and ref(d,1))))); rl1:=if((low 《 rh5),high,ref(high,barslast((low 《 rh5)))); rl4:=if((low 《 rh5),d,ref(d,barslast((low 《 rh5)))); rl42:=if((((low 《 rl1) and (d 》 rl4)) and (d 》 d24)),low,ref(low,barslast((((low 《 rl1) and (d 》 rl4)) and (d 》 d24)))));} 長期底部:llv(high,30),color00ff00; {drawtext(filter(((((rl42 = j24) and (close 》 open)) and (close 》 長期底部)) and (low 《= j24)),20),(low - 0.12),‘←底成’),color0eabff;} rl5:=(sma(high,5,2) * 1.05); 上:=(sma(low,5,2) * 0.96); 下:=sma(low,2,1); {drawtext(filter((((((low 《= 壓力位) and (winner(close) 《= 0.07)) and (close 》= 壓力位)) and (close 《 上1)) and ((close / open) 》 1.02)),3),low,‘追’),color936ef0;} 中:=(((((3 * close) + high) + low) + open) / 6); x1:=ema(中,10); x2:=ref(x1,1); x3:=((ref(high,1) + ref(low,1)) / 2); x4:=(ma(close,21) + (2 * std(close,21))); x5:=ref(close,1); x6:=((sma(max((close - x5),0),7,1) / sma(abs((close - x5)),7,1)) * 100); x7:=cross(79,x6); x8:=filter(x7,4); x9:=ma(close,115); var1m:=ema(close,8); 飛龍頂底線一:=ema(var1m,20); var2m:=cross(var1m,飛龍頂底線一); var3m:=(var1m 《 ma(close,20)); var4m:=(((hhv(high,36) - close) / (hhv(high,36) - llv(low,36))) * 100); var5m:=sma(var4m,5,1); var6m:=sma(var5m,8,1); var7m:=(cross(var5m,var6m) and (var6m 《 5)); var8m:=((close 》 (llv(close,60) + (0.3 * llv(close,60)))) and var7m); var9m:=if((close 》 1000),var7m,var8m); varfm:=cross(x1,x2); ma115:=varfm; 低買:=(var2m and var3m); 黑馬起步:=var9m; drawtext(x8,(high * 1.03),‘←出貨’),color9000f5; drawtext((黑馬起步 》 0),(high * 1.04),‘←逃命’),color0000ff; 逃遁:=(sma(high,21,2) * 1.05); {www.gUPang.com 股旁網_最新股票指標公式} stickline((open 》= close),close,open,9,0),colorff5b00; stickline((open 》= close),close,open,8,0),colorff6c00; stickline((open 》= close),close,open,7,0),colorff7b00; stickline((open 》= close),close,open,6,0),colorff9c00; stickline((open 》= close),close,open,5,0),colorffbe00; stickline((open 》= close),close,open,3.5,0),colorffcc00; stickline((open 》= close),close,open,1.5,0),colorffff00; stickline((close 》= open),close,open,9,0),color070084; stickline((close 》= open),close,open,8,0),color0000a3; stickline((close 》= open),close,open,7,0),color0000b7; stickline((close 》= open),close,open,6,0),color0000cd; stickline((close 》= open),close,open,5,0),color0000e9; stickline((close 》= open),close,open,3,0),color0754e9; stickline((close 》= open),close,open,1.5,0),color076ef3; stickline((close 》= open),close,open,1,0),color077bf3; stickline((close 》 open),open,low,1,0),color0726ca; stickline((close 》 open),close,high,1,0),color0726ca; stickline((open 》 close),close,low,1,0),colorde9100; stickline((open 》 close),open,high,1,0),colorde9100; stickline(((((close / open) 》 1.04) and (close 《 逃遁)) and ((close - ref(close,1)) 》 0)),close,open,9,0),color0090ff; stickline(((((close / open) 》 1.04) and (close 《 逃遁)) and ((close - ref(close,1)) 》 0)),close,open,8,0),color009fff; stickline(((((close / open) 》 1.04) and (close 《 逃遁)) and ((close - ref(close,1)) 》 0)),close,open,4,0),color00b5ff; stickline(((((close / open) 》 1.04) and (close 《 逃遁)) and ((close - ref(close,1)) 》 0)),close,open,2,0),color00e4ff; stickline(((((close / open) 》 1.04) and (close 《 逃遁)) and ((close - ref(close,1)) 》 0)),open,low,0.7,0),color00ffff; stickline(((((close / open) 》 1.04) and (close 《 逃遁)) and ((close - ref(close,1)) 》 0)),close,high,0.7,0),color00ffff; stickline(((((close 《 ref(close,1)) and (close 《 ref(close,1))) and (high 》 逃遁)) and (close 《 逃遁)),open,low,0.7,0),colorff76ff; stickline(((((close 《 ref(close,1)) and (close 《 ref(close,1))) and (high 》 逃遁)) and (close 《 逃遁)),close,high,0.7,0),colorff76ff; stickline(((((close 《 ref(close,1)) and (close 《 ref(close,1))) and (high 》 逃遁)) and (close 《 逃遁)),close,open,9,0),colorff00ff; stickline(((((close 《 ref(close,1)) and (close 《 ref(close,1))) and (high 》 逃遁)) and (close 《 逃遁)),close,open,6,0),colorff62ff; stickline(((((close 《 ref(close,1)) and (close 《 ref(close,1))) and (high 》 逃遁)) and (close 《 逃遁)),close,open,4,0),colorff76ff; stickline(((((close 《 ref(close,1)) and (close 《 ref(close,1))) and (high 》 逃遁)) and (close 《 逃遁)),close,open,2,0),colorffa8ff; drawtext(filter(((((llv(low,0) and ((ma30 - ref(ma30,1)) 》 0)) and (low 《= 短期底部)) and (winner(close) 《 0.05)) and ((close / open) 》 0.13)),7),(low - 0.09),‘●見底’),color00b2ff; 阻擋:=(sma(low,21,2) * 0.94); drawtext(filter(((((((((close / open) 》 1.03) and ((超跌位二 - ref(超跌位二,1)) 》 0)) and ((close - ref(close,1)) 》 0)) and (high 《 壓力一)) and (close 《 壓力一)) and ((壓力二 - ref(壓力二,1)) 》 0)) and (close 《 man)),3),low,‘←出擊’),colord4dee9; drawtext((((((低買 》 0) and ((x1 - ref(x1,1)) 》 0)) and (high 《 壓力位)) and (high 《 x9)) and ((x2 - ref(x2,1)) 》 0)),low,‘←黑馬’),color00ff00; drawtext((((((cross(var2c, 短線) and ((close - ref(high,1)) 》 0)) and ((中線 - ref(中線,1)) 》 0)) and (high 《= 壓力一)) and (close 《 ma20)) and (low 《= 中線)),(low - 0.06),‘←關注’),color00ff00; drawtext((((cross(var2c,upper) and (high 《 壓力一)) and ((xy - ref(xy,1)) 》 0)) and (high 《 支撐)),low,‘←買’),colorffffff; drawtext(filter(((((((low 《= 天) and (close 》= ma20)) and (high 《 壓力一)) and ((天 - ref(天,1)) 》 0)) and (close 《 壓力一)) and ((ma20 - ref(ma20,1)) 》 0)),6),(low - 0.12),‘←全倉’),colorffffff; drawtext(filter((((((ma115 and (close 《 壓力位)) and ((人 - ref(人,1)) 》 0)) and ((x1 - ref(x1,1)) 》 0)) and (high 《 上一)) and ((close / open) 》 1.03)),5),low,‘●買’),color93ee7d; drawtext(((((low 《= 上) and (high 》= 短期底部)) and (close 》= 長期底部)) and ((close / open) 》 1.03)),(low - 0.08),‘★抄底’),color0000ff; drawtext(filter((((((low 《= 阻擋線) and ((ma20 - ref(ma20,1)) 》 0)) and (open 《= 上一)) and (high 》 上一)) and (close 》 阻擋線)),5),low,‘←漲10%’),colorffffff; drawtext(((cross(壓力,阻擋) and (winner(close) 《= 0.17)) and ((x1 - ref(x1,1)) 》 0)),(low - 0.08),‘←大膽買’),color00ffff; drawtext(filter((((((b8 《= 1) and (low 《= 阻擋)) and (close 》 open)) and (low 《= 中期大底)) and (close 》= 長期底部)),3),(low - 0.08),‘←短抄e’),colora100ff; drawtext((((cross(d,0) and (high 《 壓力位)) and (var5p 《= (0 - 7))) and (close 《 xy)),(low - 0.11),‘←半倉’),color00ffff; drawtext(filter((((cross(趨勢,趨) and (high 《 ma5)) and (high 《 壓力一)) and llv(low,0)),10),low,‘←果斷買’),color00ffff; drawtext(filter(((cross(中線,人) and (low 《= 人)) and (close 》= 人)),4),(low - 0.06),‘←買’),color00ff00; drawtext(((cross(阻擋,長期底部) and (bb10 》 1)) and (high 《 支撐)),low,‘←出擊’),color00ff00; drawtext(filter((((((((ma20 - ref(ma20,1)) 》 0) and (high 《 支撐)) and ((aa10 - ref(aa10,1)) 》 0)) and (high 《 壓力一)) and (vol 》= ref(vol,1))) and cross(close,ma20)),57),low,‘突破生命線’),color0000ff; drawtext(filter(((((low 《= ma80) and (close 》 ma80)) and (close 》 open)) and (短期底部二 《= ma80)),8),low,‘←底’),color00ffff; drawtext(((cross(ma20,壓力位) and (low 《= ma20)) and ((ma20 - ref(ma20,1)) 》 0.02)),(low - 0.03),‘●絕佳買點’),colorfff0ff; drawtext((((((((cross(close,ma20) and (high 《 壓力位)) and (open 《 ma20)) and (high 《 支撐)) and ((man - ref(man,1)) 》 0)) and ((x1 - ref(x1,1)) 》 0)) and (d 《 63)) and ((ma20 - ref(ma20,1)) 》 0)),(low - 0.05),‘●大牛浮水’),colord3e7ff; drawtext(cross(中期大底,短期底部),(low - 0.02),‘←短線買’);
- 文華技術人員:
抱歉 您的源碼無法實現改寫的 原因源碼中有麥語言無法實現改寫的 股票類函數(如以下紅字標注的函數)
VAR1D:=((AMOUNT / VOL) / 100);VAR1E:=((SUM(AMOUNT,5) / SUM(VOL,5)) / 100);VAR1F:=((VAR1C - MA(VAR1C,34)) / (0.015 * AVEDEV(VAR1C,34)));VAR20:=DMA(((AMOUNT / VOL) / 100),(VOL / CAPITAL));
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