請問老師昨天尾市模擬帳戶出現如下情況是何原因? [金字塔]
- 咨詢內容:
06 15:06:01.272 【下單】IF05 價0.000000 量1 買賣0 類型1 開平1 賬戶803976 Formula 1
2014-05-06 15:06:01.272 當前尚有未處理完事件 - 6021
2014-05-06 15:06:02.177 【回報】803976 : 存儲過程無返回
Server message:
Message number: 1105, Severity 17, State 1, Line 61. Procedure 'get_max_no.'Can't allocate space for object 'entrust_maxno' in database 'ksqhdb' because 'default' segment is full/has no free extents. If you ran out of space
2014-05-06 15:06:03.456 【圖表】IF00 運行完畢
2014-05-06 15:06:03.472 【圖表】IF00 運行完畢
2014-05-06 15:06:04.314 【回報】803976 : 存儲過程無返回
Server message:
Message number: 1105, Severity 17, State 1, Line 61. Procedure 'get_max_no.'Can't allocate space for object 'entrust_maxno' in database 'ksqhdb' because 'default' segment is full/has no free extents. If you ran out of space
2014-05-06 15:06:05.578 【圖表】IF00 運行完畢
2014-05-06 15:06:05.578 【圖表】IF00 運行完畢 - 金字塔客服:
可聯系技術人員 QQ: 1145508240 進行 有償 編寫!(不貴!點擊查看價格!)