作者:MC 來源:cxh99.com 發布時間:2016年06月28日
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本帖最后由 weijianb 于 2016-6-15 11:13 編輯
看了很多遍說明書沒有搞清楚這個“數值區域”的真實含義,后來下載了英文版的軟件查看才弄明白。英文手冊鏈接:http://www.multicharts.com/tradi ... .php/Volume_Profile,注意里面有兩個“Total Volume”(“總成交量”):一個是“總成交量”“概況”標簽,另一個“總成交量”是構成“概況”的“構成要素(組件)”,就是“總成交量”之下還有個“總成交量”
對應的英文原文是“Volume Profile”-“Total Volume”-“Value Area”,“構成要素(組件)”下的名詞解釋:
1、總成交量:內盤及外盤之和,默認藍色顯示。(Total Volume. Shows total ASK + BID volume traded on each price level. Default color is blue, it can be changed to any other color. Default size is 100, it can be decreased. Default style is Volume Shading, it can be changed to Solid Blocks, HollowGram, Invisible.)
2、上漲OC:應該叫“開收向上”更貼切,開盤價低于收盤價的成交量。默認綠色顯示。(Up OC. Shows price movement within volume profile at its end as green bar if the openning price of the profile is lower than its closing price. Default color is dark green, it can be changed to any other color. Default size can be decreased or increased. Default style is Invisible, it can be changed to Volume Shading. )
3、下跌OC:應該叫“開收向下”更貼切,開盤價高于收盤價的成交量。默認紅色顯示(Down OC. Shows price movement within volume profile at its end as red bar if the openning price of the profile is higher than its closing price. Default color is red, it can be changed to any other color. Default size can be decreased or increased. Default style is Invisible, it can be changed to Volume Shading. )
4、POC 最大成交量對應的價格范圍。
5、數值區域【Value Area。It is the area (specified in %) of most traded volume of the profile (100%】.以最大成交量對應的價格范圍開始,上下覆蓋右下角”數值區域“選擇區所指定的數值范圍(以百分比表示)的價格區域。其實是”價格區域“或”價格范圍“。