Sub ORDER_OrderStatusEx2(OrderID, Status, Filled, Remaining, Price, Code, Market, OrderType, Aspect, Kaiping, Account, AccountType) if Status="Tradeing" and filled>0 and Account="8000000000" then if aspect=0 then if kaiping=0 then order.Buy 1,filled,0,0,code,market,"800000",0 if kaiping>0 then order.sellshort 1,filled,0,0,code,market,"800000",0 end if if aspect=1 then if kaiping=0 then order.Buyshort 1,filled,0,0,code,market,"800000",0 if kaiping>0 then order.sell 1,filled,0,0,code,market,"800000",0 end if end if End Sub